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electrochemical properties of amorphous tin-copper composite oxide cusno3�s��o,gas-phase hg0 removal by a fe2o3/ac catalyst4tins^\biomimetic synthesis of prismatic calcite mesocrystals in the presence of nonionic copolymer _cq^lsynthesis and microwave-absorbing properties of ni-carbon sphere composites  _ҙqthe design principle and application of power resistor with over temperature and over current protection function!advanced materials research vols.uthe design principle and application of thermally protected metal oxide varistor tmov���[�penhanced chemical interaction between tio2 and graphene oxidefor photocatalytic decolorization of methylene bluechemical engineering journal sci�n:swhydrothermal synthesis of nanosized bismuth niobate and enhanced photocatalytic activity by coupling of graphene sheets4tyxstable structures of al510 800 clusters and lowest energy sequence of truncated octahedral al clusters up to 10000 atomschemical physics sci n:s�sf_^a yttrium(iii) complex based on pyridyl-carboxylate ligand exhibiting distinctive new topologychin. j. inorg. chem.u��y4taa novel two-dimensional homochiral zinc(ii) complex constructed based on in situ ligand formationchin. j. struct. chemoa novel neodymium-tartrate complex with distinctive rare topology: hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structurechin. j. struct. chem.h��sx[bone-pot synthesis of ag/-ni(oh)2 flower microspheres with enhanced1colloids and surfaces a: physicochem. eng.aspectsei(ja)kgeometrical structures of gold clusters on gupta and sutton-chen potentials'computational and theoretical chemistry d{|g rğ��vdual functional rhodamine-immobilized silica toward sensing and extracting mercury iondalton transactions sci�n:suionic liquid assisting synthesis of zno/graphene heterostructure photocatalysts with tunable photoresponse propertiesdiamond & related materials�a new dysprosium(iii) complex based on novel pyridyl-carboxylate ligand: hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structures and distinctive new topologyinorg. chim. actaufacile procedure to synthesize highly crystalline ag/nio nanocomposite microspheres and their photocatalytic activityj mater sci: mater electronsmorphology-controllable synthesis of cuo micro-shuttles for photocatalytic activity7simple method to synthesize novel mesoporous zinc oxideğc� ��syntheses, structures and luminescent properties of zinc(ii) and cadmium(ii) complexes with the ditopic ligand 1, 3 - bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzenej. chem. crystallogr.�a combined experimental and theoretical approach to the study of hydrogen bond interaction in the binary mixture of n-methylimidazole with waterj. chem. thermodynamicsu�z�s^�a facile and efficient strategy for the design of ferroelectric and giant dielectric hybrids via intercalating polar molecules into noncentrosymmetric layered inorganic compoundsj. mater. chem. scin:s4t9hnstsynthesis, structure, and magnetic property of co(ii)-based metal organicframework with 4,42 -oxy bis(benzoate)ligand!journal of coordination chemistryriqeytsynthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a nickel(ii) coordination polymer based the v-shaped ligands>journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials_the synthesis and characterization of zn tryptophan complexes and their luminescence properties6journal of materials science: materials in electronics;novel phosphors of eu 3 , tb 3 or tm 3 activated labgeo5journal of rare earths{chemosensory rhodamine-immobilized mesoporous silica material for extracting mercury ion in water with improved sensitivitymaterials chemistry and physics_the synthesis, characterization, and newopticalproperty of m(co and fe)-phenylalanine complexesmaterials research bulletint[f[�qjsynthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of a 3d 3d mixed heterometallic coordination polymer)russian journal of coordination chemistry^enhanced photocatalytic performance of bi2wo6 by graphene supporter as charge transfer channel&separation and purification technologyvsynthesis of nanostructured zno/bi2wo6 heterojunction for photocatalysis applicationbsynthesis and properties of magnetic feni3 alloyed microchains obtained by hydrothermal reduction solid state sciencecsimple method to synthesize ni-tryptophan layered hybrid complexes and theirluminescence propertiessolid state sciences^sonochemical assisted synthesis of a novel tio2/graphene composite for solar energy conversionsynthetic metalsqparametric effects of the potential energy function on the geometrical features of ternary lennard-jones clusters#the journal of physical chemistry a�sonodegradation and photodegradation of methyl orange by invo4/tio2 nanojunction composites under ultrasonic and visible light irradiationultrasonics sonochemistryfsynthesis,strucuture and magnetic property of a dinuclear antiferromagnetically coupled cobalt complex2zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie_\f�v/l�w��y�s�^riqiq�^�lkm�[m��lfiq1��[���[�_a� 8-(l�w�uiui�m�tir�n�mg�iq'`(��vxvz 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conference on information management, innovation management and industrial engineering, international confere� f6q(design of new oscillograph based on fpgan2011 international conference on power electronics and engineering applicationc�\fbrobot localization combining stereo vision and artificial landmarkyadvances in mechanical and electronic engineering lecture notes in electrical engineering�s܏�_cresearch on face recognition based on wavelet transform and pca-ann)journal of digital information managementoresearch on complex three order cumulants coupling features in fault diagnosis9journal of theoretical and applied information technology z�s܀< cconstruction situations promote the self-learning of data structure'lecture notes in electrical engineeringei(cave�s�n]differential evolution using second mutation for high-dimensional real-parameter optimizationwmeasuring technology and mechatronics automation in electrical engineering, lecture notes in electrical engineering 135ς,gíimanipulator trajectory planning based on the algebraic-trigonometric hermite blended interpolation splineprocedia engineeringѐ%f��uresearch on high-precision time synchronization algorithm for wireless sensor networko��usliding window calculating method of time synchronization based on information fusionh�in�nn�y9eۏ�vceqn�p�n��luyr�_�p�c�s�{�l���{:g�] zn�^(u�sn�[n�y�w�nam�v�sbc�v�nx���`�{�l�w�n�|�|ɩt���vos�ɩ�svq�qv{h�g � ws�n'yf[f[�b��6q�yf[hr � _�s�] �w�n���^y@\�d"}memetic�{�l�vyэs�0wb�i{�_�bl� �|�~�] zt���[��_a scheme of test data compression and power reduction based on common-run-length coding (crlc)*advances in intelligent and soft computing��^nseconstruction and application of the merging network teaching platformwadvances in intelligent and soft computing, volume 133, frontiers in computer educationh�t�7� �w�n �v�p rrr�v\�l ��~�c�s�{�lϑp[5up[f[�b �w�n n҉qe�{�l ma new scheme of test data compression based on equal-run-length coding (erlc)integration, the vlsi 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and management sciences4t�p6r�^�s��n�[�_�es:_wbeuxvz�{t�s�ns�n t�g �[�e;���0on;���n�[�eonrn  slq�srnhh�oxvz�{tf[�bm_�u( �q7b�[�w0w��qa?a�svqq_�t�v }r�g  �w�n�[�_w6�s1413*n�q7b��g�v�[��xvz�~nm>yoso6r�k��xo&��n�s�n g�rn9e � o�~�qn�vt��n�[��xvz�~nmf[�[yohthqonl��wǐ z-ny��wƌl��y�voszs_r�g�y�bۏekn�[v{>yo;nin8h�_�nyo;nin �w�nqgr^�ɖ҉�v n�nn�� 6r�^�~he�sċ�nxvz  �qn�~nm�6r �nniramnt��r�su\����on�v��ƌ� �n'y ypsd��eiram�{t�_sf�[�eb_�r nؚ!h���[xt� onns�^���v���p�s�[v{`�`t��ye���[ rha�e �w�n�q topsis�l�v�qn n^lq�s�z�n�rċ�n �~��n�qv{yo_l��nr�ernye���w{qf[u�~t }(�-n�vؚi{ye���n�ef[b��esf�spthe index system establishment and demonstration of management performance evaluation in college moral educationeinternational journal of advancements in computing technology (ijact)\multielement interaction system and network model of moral education establishment in schoolpproceedings of international conference on information and business intelligence@cultivating inovative quality in the university history 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