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flow dynamics in a lattice gas model coupled with an evolutionary game 7chemical engineering journal 7�synthesis of novel visible light responding vanadate/tio2 heterostructurephotocatalysts for application of organic pollutants 7 2011t^9g 7u�z�s^ 7dalton transactions 7etoward design of multiple-property inorganic organic hybrid compounds 7inorganica chimica acta 7 sci n:s 7xa chiral copper(ii) inverse-9-metallacrown-3 complex: synthesis,crystal structure, ferroelectric and magnetic properties 7 2011t^,{3g 7  4ty 7chemical physics 7xstructural optimization of ag-pd clusters based on different potentinal parameterization 7 2011t^,{1g 7journal of physical chemistry a 7bstructural optimization of cu-ag-au trimetalic clusters by adaptive immune optimization algorithm  7 2011t^,{46g 7�s\t 7 desalination 7z enhanced adsorption of fluoride from aqueous solution onto nanosized hydroxyapatite by low-molecular-weight organic acids 7 2011t^276ws(1-3)g  7 sci�v:s 7o storage of maximal 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interpenetrating metal-organic framework based on tetranuclear manganese(ii) clusters: synthesis, structure and magnetic properties 7�syntheses, crystal structures and fluorescent properties of zinc coordination polymers based on camphor acid and imidazole ligand 7 acta crystallographica section e 7atrans -tetraaquabis[1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane-�n]cobalt(ii) biphenyl-4,4'-disulfonate monohydrate 7z. anorg. allg. chem. 7ha porous 4d 4f heterometallic coordination polymer: synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties 7journal of rare earths 7jsynthesis, structure and photoluminescent properties of a new eu(iii) complex with 5-bromoisophthalic acid 7~synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of a pentanuclear cu(ii) coordination polymer with 4-(imidazol-1-yl)-benzoic acid 7j chem crystallogr 7�synthesis, crystal structure, electronic absorption and magnetic properties of a novel anion-radical salt based on 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane 7tsynthesis, crystal structure and 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