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of a number field5applied mathematics a journal of chinese universitiesp3. some notes on the spectral perturbations of the signless laplacian of a graphrussian journal of ecology�the distribution pattern of different patch types and heterogeneity of the light and temperature: larix chinensis beissn in qinling mountains (china)journal of cluster science<theoretical study of structural symmetry in ternary clusters&nanoscience and nanotechnology lettersgfunctionalization of carbon nanotubes with copper for nonenzymatic electrochemical detection of glucoseya new species of the genus ctenophora meigen (diptera: tipuloidea: tipulidae) from china, with a key to the world speciesbiologia�isolation of cdna and sequence of a gene encoding trehalose-6-phophate synthase 1 from beauveria bassiana and its functional identification in pichia pastorisjournal of fluorescencefluorescence sensors for selective detection of hg2 ion using a water-soluble poly(vinyl alcohol) bearing rhodamine b 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